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Reggie Raju, PhD, is the Director (Research & Learning Services) at the University of Cape Town Libraries. He has been in academic libraries for more than 35 years. He is the author of several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals, chapters in books and a book publication. His research focus is on research librarianship with an emphasis on open access and library publishing.

Reggie is a C2 NRF rated researcher with the research focus of open access. He is currently a member of the Academic and Research Libraries Standing Committee of IFLA as well as being the convenor of its Special Interest Group: Library Publishing.

Reggie is currently the Chair of SPARC Africa and is driving the social justice agenda of open access for Africa He also serves on international boards such as LPC (USA based), OBC (UK) and Redalyc/AmeliCA (Mexico based). He served on the editorial board of Journal of librarianship and scholarly communication and South African journal of libraries and information science.


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